
“Employees want to hire the best of the best, and having an academic education is not enough. Train 2 Gain teaches what soft skills and emotional intelligence look like, and their importance. T2G helped our students feel confident heading into their job search and while working in their internships/current roles. On behalf of our students, thank you Train2Gain!”

— Claudia Rivera, United Community Center

“Investing in Train 2 Gain is invaluable to the service-profit chain of any organization. These courses will give you the blueprint necessary to create an engaging work environment. And with loyalty being a reciprocal exchange in today's workforce, the leaders who want to retain employees and customers should definitely take these courses so that they can fully understand the influential role these skills play in profitability and growth.”

— RYAN KIRK, F Street hospitality

“I learned so much from this seminar. Most of it was information I’ve never heard before or had never even thought of! I feel a lot more confident now.”

- student, college possible