Our Session Offerings

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The Art of Networking

Practice, Poise and Purpose:
The Art of Networking at Social Functions
and Events

Your employees are a reflection of your brand, and you want to make sure they’re representing you well. In this session, employees learn the skills necessary to build confidence, establish awareness of personal nonverbal behaviors, recall names and begin conversation, politely leave a conversation, and effectively follow-up with new contacts. The session also includes a simulated networking event so that attendees can immediately apply and practice what they’ve learned.

The power of building trust

The Power of Building Trust:
Emotional Intelligence and its Role in Your Success
Gravitas, or executive presence, is increasingly elusive, especially for young professionals. This session helps employees learn how to better represent themselves and their organizations and how to understand expected behavioral competencies in a corporate environment.

Pre & post-college prep

Clarity, Confidence and Your Personal Brand
For better or for worse, teachers teach kids the knowledge that can be measured. But what about the vast array of “soft skills” that will truly make or break them when they enter college and, later, as they land interviews and embark on their chosen career paths? In this pre-college preparatory seminar, students are made aware of the standards through which they will be measured, and they’re taught how to best develop, practice and hone these important skills.

Dining Etiquette

Can a Meal Break a Deal?
This session teaches employees how to be successful while meeting over a meal. Employees learn how to speak well and recognize the nuances of unspoken conversation. They’ll learn how to prepare, graciously host or attend any food-based function and return a solid investment on the engagement.