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Kelly Roecker, PResident

Kelly brings her passion, experience and expertise to Train 2 Gain after spending more than 20 years leading others in her many roles in the hospitality industry. After having worked with, trained and mentored thousands of employees and professionals at both the unit and corporate levels, Kelly has seen firsthand how great the need is for what Train 2 Gain offers.

”The newest generations of employees and leaders face a very unique set of expectations and challenges. It’s a privilege I don’t take lightly that I can play a role in helping others navigate those well and forge a successful path for themselves.”

Erin Nevicosi, director of marketing

After a decade in the corporate world and more than five years as an entrepreneur, Erin has seen that the need people have for guidance, training and inspiration when it comes to their personal and emotional growth is universal.

Erin’s corporate experience lies in hospitality, marketing and public relations, and more recently, she’s seen success as a sales leader in the health and wellness industry, and as a speaker and a coach. Erin specializes in helping people uncover and tell their unique story, identify and work toward their goals, and realize their full potential.

”As someone who grew up not knowing any of what’s taught through Train 2 Gain, and after having experienced my own transformation since discovering it all, I feel such an excitement about - and responsibility for - bringing this knowledge to as many people as possible. I’m thrilled to be able to do that as part of the Train 2 Gain team.”


Pascual rodriguez, Educator and speaker

Embarking on his next chapter as an author and motivational speaker, Pascual’s goal is to impact and inspire the next generation of educators and students. Pascual served as principal of the United Community Center’s (UCC) Bruce Guadalupe Community School (BGCS) in Milwaukee from 2001 until the beginning of 2020, playing an integral role in growing the school’s enrollment from 400 students (2001) to 1,700 students (2019). After a difficult and impoverished childhood, a stint in minor league baseball and a challenging and rewarding career in education, Pascual is now looking ahead to what’s next.

”I’m being called to share my life experiences and lessons learned along the way, and I’m looking forward to doing that, in part, through Train 2 Gain and its platform that, I believe, is so needed in today’s world. I want people to see themselves as agents of change for the good of others around them, and that begins with awareness, inspiration, and the right tools for doing so.”